Automated Logic Web Ctrl Training

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WebCTRL Operator Level One April 10, 11 & 12, 2018 - 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Operator Level One is a two-day class primarily intended for end-users of the Automated Logic WebCTRL system. Covered topics include: Overviews of the WebCTRL suite of software and ALC hardware products and the operation of a WebCTRL system. (Must attend all three days of training to complete Operator Level One training.) WebCTRL Operator Level TWO FEBRUARY 20, 21, & 22, 2018 - 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Operator level two is designed for individuals to continue leaning WebCTRL and further reading of logic pages. This course is the required step into the next level course providing a path to learn how to trouble-shoot their system. Prerequisites: Working knowledge of HVAC systems and control, WebCTRL Operator Level 1 (Basic) Course. (Must attend all three days of training to complete Operator Level Two training.) February session is full.

About the Trainer We are excited to announce our guest trainer for our Fall 2017 & Winter 2018 classes, Mr. Walsh has been part of the Automated Logic training team since 1997. We look forward to having him presenting and sharing his knowledge with us at our St. Louis office. Class size is limited so SIGN UP early.

Training ALC Factory Partners in Training The Automated Logic - Pittsburgh Training Center Location is participating in the ALC Factory Partners in Training Program and is recognized as a Factory Certified BAS University Training Center location. The Partners in Training Program makes ALC Factory Certified Classes more accessible to customers and the dealers who support them.

Partners in Training locations meet the ALC Factory Training Departments quality standards including the training environment and classroom materials. Instructors are certified in the Best Practices in Training, which allows students to build on their classroom experiences. This method promotes higher comprehension and retention of the materials learned. Classes Taught at this Location Each class requires a minimum of three participants, and has a capacity for six. The following classes are offered at this location: WC-200 WebCTRL Basic FT-200 Field Tech Basic Register now for upcoming classes! Torrent Ugly Betty Saison 3. See our 2017 and 2018 schedule below. For class description or to enroll, please select a class below.

Sunbelt Controls provides comprehensive, high quality, hands-on training on Automated Logic (ALC) products.Aside from the Automated Logic Corporation in Atlanta, GA no other dealer provides this level and quality of product training. Our Factory Certified Instructors teach the same certified courses as the ALC Branches.

Classes are for ALC customers only. If Automated Logic Pennsylvania is not your local branch, please contact your local ALC provider to register for our scheduled course offerings. If you don't know your local ALC provider, please find the location nearest to you here: All courses will be taught using WebCTRL 6.5.

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