King Bill 2010 Premium Incl Serial Season

King Bill 2010 Premium Incl Serial Season 3

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Main article: The team [ ] • portrays, a and head of the task force. He comes from the Department of Criminal Program Analysis and was assigned to a desk job for six years because of a. He is under a great deal of pressure to produce results, since any failures in the task force would have led to his being permanently placed on desk work. In the season two premiere episode ', Chief Inspector Craig Renner offers Charlie a promotion, but he turns it down for the sake of the team. He is killed by fugitive Damian Fontleroy near the end of the episode. • portrays, a former Deputy U.S. Marshal who lost his job after he was convicted of stealing money from a crime scene to buy his daughter a car.

This information is originally kept a secret from the other convicts until Shea (see below) overhears Charlie discussing it with Ray. He appears to be able to relate better with the convicts than Charlie because he has been in a position similar to theirs. Ray is on parole throughout season one, living at a, and has been appointed a. As such, he is allowed to carry a weapon, unlike the convicts. Ray is divorced, but maintains a good relationship with his daughter. Prior to his conviction, he came up with the idea for the task force. After Charlie's death, Chief Director Wendell reinstates Ray to his former position, having promised to do so if Charlie accepted a promotion.

• portrays, a former gang leader whose criminal enterprises (drug smuggling, weapons trafficking, etc.) covered most of the United States. His experience and 'street smarts' allow him to provide a working knowledge of how convicts think and move. He originally comes up with the name 'Breakout Kings' for the task force and designs a -style logo for it. In the Season 1 episode 'One for the Money', he tells his girlfriend Vanessa that he cannot wait for another six years to get out of prison to be with her and that there is another way, but Vanessa replies, 'We can't be fugitives again.'

• portrays, a and expert tracker. She was raised by her father, who himself was a bounty hunter. He was tortured and killed in retaliation for the capture of a gang member, and Erica hunted down and killed five of the six people involved in the murder. Barely 20 at the time, she killed her victims and hid their bodies so flawlessly that she was only convicted of weapons charges. She has a daughter who currently resides with the child's father but she has little to no contact with her, despite her desire to be more involved with her.

The murder of her father and the loss of her daughter causes her great pain and anger. In season two, she shows romantic interest in a neighbor who works on the second floor of their building.

She even sleeps with him at some occasions without the team knowing about it. She has proven to be an excellent athlete as well. In season 2 episode 7 she takes down a man three times her size, after he insulted her father, before the man could get a hit on her.

• portrays, a former child prodigy and a with a bachelor's degree (1993) and M.D. (1997) from Harvard. He provides in-depth psychological evaluations of escaped convicts, which allow him to predict the movements and actions that an escaped convict may undertake before they get away.

Lloyd also provides psychological help to Julianne and Erica on their various mental problems whenever possible. Ironically, Lloyd suffers from an addiction to gambling. His crime is not mentioned for most of the series, until he has to confront the families of one of his victims. To cover his gambling debts, he sold illegal prescriptions to college students, and took a plea bargain to lose his medical license and serve 25 years in prison rather than face the parents of an 18-year-old girl with depression who overdosed on the pills he sold her. Throughout the series he has romantic feelings for Julianne and was at one point jealous of her feelings for Ray. In the episode ', he told her that he is in love with her.

• portrays, a former student at the. She was first in her class until she was expelled for her various psychological disorders which include social anxiety, panic disorder, and depression. Julianne acts as an analyst, researching and determining the various resources at the disposal of the convicts; such as family, money, and property they may use to aid their escape. She and Ray have a close relationship, even at one point showing romantic interest in Ray. As he was there for her when she was expelled, he requested that she be assigned to the task force.

Julianne and Lloyd share a very friendly relationship since Lloyd willfully attempts to help her overcome her disorders. In turn Julianne cares for Lloyd and considers him a very important friend.

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