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This past weekend, I took advantage of OS X's UNIX core to automate the database backup for this site. Until recently, I backed up the data by connecting to the ISP, launching the mySQL database program, exporting the data, then using one of a number of transfer programs (Fetch, RBrowser, etc) to bring the file back to my home machine. Although this worked, it was quite tedious, and I would often forget to do the backup.

Then another geeklog-powered site had a major disaster, and lost all of their articles (, if you'd like to stop by and help them rebuild, it'd be greatly appreciated!). This was the kick I needed to find a better way to do my backups.

Read the rest of this article if you'd like a little insight into how I used some basic UNIX programs to handle this repetitive mundane task. This is fairly basic stuff for UNIX wizards, and I'm sure I could be doing this in a more advanced way, but it does demonstrate how the UNIX core of OS X can be put to good use. My automated backup solution relies on four core OS X features - SSH (secure shell), SCP (secure copy), cron (task scheduler), and shell scripts.

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The task I needed to accomplish was to connect to my ISP, generate a data dump from the database, download the resulting file, name it something appropriate, and repeat this task regularly. Here's what I did: • I wrote a very simple shell script (named 'dobackup') on the ISP which exports the database to a SQL dump file. This shell script is literally two lines long: #! /bin/sh /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqldump --add-drop-table dbfilename >dbackup.sqlTo make it executable, I gave the file execute permissions with chmod. • Before I could automate the process, I had to enable SSH to connect to my ISP without asking for a password, since I wanted to run this job unattended. This basically required running sshkeygen on my local machine, and then copying the resulting public key file to an SSH directory on the ISP.

The 'man' pages for ssh explain this in much greater detail, if you're interested. • I also wanted to have a sequential series of backups available, which meant that I would ideally like to rename the file as I downloaded it from the ISP, instead of simply overwriting it each time. So I needed to figure out how to use variables in shell scripts, something I'd not done before. Torrent Windows Home Server 2011 Isole more.

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• My final script on the Mac OS X box looks like this: #! /bin/sh newtime=`date +%m-%d-%y_%I%M%p` ssh -l uname scp /path/to/local/storage/hintsbkup_$newtime ssh -l uname rm mybackup.sqlThis file was saved (called 'getmybackup') and chmoded to be executable. Here's what each line does. /bin/sh - Tells the system this is a shell script. Newtime=`date +%m-%d-%y_%I%M%p` - Creates a variable (newtime) and assigns it the result of the shell 'date' command. This took the longest to figure out - anything that appears in backquotes will be interpreted by the shell, and the result of the command will be used as the value for the variable. All the '%' characters just format the date (type man strftime at the command prompt for more on date formats).

Basically, those% statements make it look like '_1215pm'. This is the value that is given to 'newtime.'

Ssh -l uname - The SSH command connects me to the host, and the last word in the command tells the host to execute the two-line shell script (from step 1) that creates the backup file. Scp /path/to/bkfiles/hintsbkup_$newtime - This is the UNIX secure copy command, which basically takes the file I created on the host (dbackup) and copies it locally, but to a new name. You can see the '$newtime' variable listed after the filename; this appends the previously stored string to the filename prior to saving.

So my saved file would be named 'hintsbkup__1215pm'. Ssh -l uname www. Buku Belajar Melodi Gitar Pdf. rm mybackup.sql - This just uses SSH again to delete the file on the host. • The final step was to make the system run the job automatically, and this involved scheduling a cron task. I created a 'crontab' file for my OS X user that would call the shell script in step four twice a day. Once I installed the crontab, everything worked as expected. NOTE: See the related hint on setting up cron tasks for more detail on how to use cron.

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