Install Mysql Using Inno Setup Download

Install Mysql Using Inno Setup Download

Today I'm working on the installer of my program. It uses mySQL 5.7 as Engine Database. So, I need to do the installer on Windows, but I don't want to install mySQL Community Server manually. I wanna do it unattended, silently. So I googled, and I found a way to install on Command Lines 'CMD'. 1) Run CMD as Administrator msiexec /i 'mysql-5.7.16-winx64.msi' /qn So, It Installs MySQL Server 5.7 on C:/Program Files/MySQL Server 5.7 The next part that I have problem is to Set the Port, The name of the Service, and Root Password. On mySQL's webpage they call it 'Instance Configuration', and they do something like this: MySQLInstanceConfig.exe -i -q '-lC: mysql_install_log.txt' » '-nMySQL Server 5.5' '-pC: Program Files MySQL MySQL Server 5.5' -v5.5.55 » '-tmy-template.ini' '-cC: mytest.ini' ServerType=DEVELOPMENT DatabaseType=MIXED » ConnectionUsage=DSS Port=3311 ServiceName=MySQL55 RootPassword=1234 The issue here is that I can't find MySQLInstanceConfig.exe in any place, folder or directory.

Inno Setup Help

Re: Inno setup adding net framework before installation. Posted 18 October 2014 - 01:29 PM. And i did it. For all those people who need this service again. Here is how it is going. Download the netframework 4.0 put it in folder with other source files. Create script with inno setup wizard. Game De Che 2 Full Crack. After that add this. I need to write a setup program for MySQL Server instillation and configuration using Inno script. Here all other tasks works properly expect loading database!

Has anyone done this before? It looks like MySQLInstanceConfig.exe has been deprecated. Have a look at Yes, you have right. I found a way to do it: • Download mysql-installer-community- • Run a Command Line 'CMD' on same directory that you downloaded the installed previously • msiexec /i mysql-installer-community- /quiet • cd C: Program Files (x86) MySQL MySQL Installer for Windows • MySQLInstallerConsole.exe install server;version=;X64:*:port=3307;openfirewall=true;passwd=yourpassword -silent This is the way to install with Console. Apparently everything goes ok, except for this, It stops on this: Unable to find any products that match server;version=;X64 I put the version that the installer said, I can't get whats wrong:(:( •. A Yes, you have right. I found a way to do it: • Download mysql-installer-community- • Run a Command Line 'CMD' on same directory that you downloaded the installed previously • msiexec /i mysql-installer-community- /quiet • cd C: Program Files (x86) MySQL MySQL Installer for Windows • MySQLInstallerConsole.exe install server;version=;X64:*:port=3307;openfirewall=true;passwd=yourpassword -silent This is the way to install with Console.

Apparently everything goes ok, except for this, It stops on this: Unable to find any products that match server;version=;X64 I put the version that the installer said, I can't get whats wrong:(:( Finally I got it, I do this: MySQLInstallerConsole.exe install server;5.6.21;x64:*:port=3306;passwd=mypassword; -silent Obviously the next point would be Delete the Folder that contains the installer, and do all this stuff in Xojo using a 'SH'. By now, I'm good, Thanks so much •. Out of interest are you installing it on a desktop or a server and what happens if there is already an installation on the machine? I'm installing on a Desktop(PC/MAC). But now, I'm dealing to do the Windows Installer, once I finished I'll continue with the Mac Installer.

About if is already an installation on the machine, at this point I have nothing. But I facing with a curious thing, so I configured as I said lines before, but this time I can't do it.

Aeneid Stanley Lombardo Pdf To Jpg. Its says me that is a Comercial Version instead Community Version, and asks me for Oracle credentials (User/Password) •. That's the 'benefit' of mysql: obscure licence scheme. Why don't you use a postgres database? These are completely and really free.

Perfectdisk Pro 14 Keygen Software License. Ooooooo, So MySQL are not really free? Wow, I imagined something like this. So I solved the problem. Apparently when It installs, and uninstall, the uninstaller forgets to remove the MySQL folder located in ProgramData folder.

If I delete it correctly, Installation goes ok. Meanwhile I'll gonna study to migrate to Postrgre as you said. I don't know if it would be very hard, all my project is Mysql based. And I dunno if Postrgre is cross platform supported (Win, Mac,Linux) Regards •.

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